About this work…

Over the past 45 years I have had the opportunity to work and play with many different art forms and media. At one time or another I have been involved in graphic arts, sign painting, printmaking of all sorts, painting, figure drawing, mail art, pen and ink drawing, set design and construction, making music and teaching young people (there is definitely an art to that).

Of all of this, the work that is the most intense and personal, and in my opinion some of the most accomplished, has come out of the pen and ink/colored pencil technique that began as far back as the late 1960’s when I was given a Rapidograph technical pen and began to use it to draw and daydream. This website was created to display that work the grew from that gift.

The technique that became the pieces shown here evolved over a number of years to become what it is now. The most creative period using this drawing technique was probably in the years from about 1976 through 1993. Many of the drawings produced in this period will have their own gallery page in the menu bar above. There are a few smaller “sketch” pieces grouped together under the menu heading Small Pieces.

Also included are examples of the earliest drawings that I still have in my collection. These may help to illustrate some of the evolution in technique, approach and style. You can find these older pieces will be under the menu heading “Seeds”. By no means are these early pieces examples of great art, but they are the seeds of what will develop and, in hindsight are a curious collection. Other early pieces under the “Seeds” menu provided a testing ground which began my experimenting with color, composition, and the use of colored pencils.

The menu bar is organized chronologically from the most recent work to the oldest.